Do you want to save money on your auto insurance by driving safely? Most companies are using car telematics programs to do so. Car telematics programs are wireless devices that communicate with each other. In the world of auto insurance, this means that insurers...
We all know there are plenty of driving hazards to worry about during the day – from rain and snow to deer and potholes. But driving at night adds a completely new set of challenges. Why? It all comes down to one word: visibility. During a clear day, you might be able...
Summer is fast approaching and for many, that means home DIY projects are back! But that also means potential injuries and fatalities are too, if not careful. Annually, ladder-related incidents cause over 500,000 injuries and approximately 300 deaths. Most ladder...
Don’t wait for snow and ice to arrive before winterizing your vehicle. Make sure both you and your vehicle are ready to hit the road safely during inclement weather. Most likely the tires you have on your vehicle are all-seasons and are fine for every weather...
The holidays are a time for family, friends, fun, and food. Unexpected fires are not a popular addition to anyone’s holiday to-do list. Unfortunately, cooking-related fires make up the majority of home fires, with an average of 455 occurring every day. Thanksgiving,...