Do you want to save money on your auto insurance by driving safely? Most companies are using car telematics programs to do so. Car telematics programs are wireless devices that communicate with each other. In the world of auto insurance, this means that insurers...
We all know there are plenty of driving hazards to worry about during the day – from rain and snow to deer and potholes. But driving at night adds a completely new set of challenges. Why? It all comes down to one word: visibility. During a clear day, you might be able...
Thinking about your death isn’t the most enjoyable part of your life. However, ensuring your family’s future is protected when you’re gone is very important! Life insurance can help your family pay for funeral expenses, pay off any debt you left behind, and much...
We all want our kids to live long, healthy lives, which is why child life insurance may not feel like a top priority. It’s worth considering, though, as it can lock in low rates and act as an investment vehicle for your children. As your insurance agent, we care about...