Life Insurance Myths and Facts

Thinking about your death isn’t the most enjoyable part of your life. However, ensuring your family’s future is protected when you’re gone is very important! Life insurance can help your family pay for funeral expenses, pay off any debt you left behind, and much...

Spring Showers May Bring Home Hassles

After a cold, dark winter most people look forward to the sights and sounds 🎵  of the spring. But with the warmer months also comes the potential for heavy rains, which can lead to slippery driving and property damage. So, what can a homeowner do to help avoid...

Should You Buy Life Insurance for Children?

We all want our kids to live long, healthy lives, which is why child life insurance may not feel like a top priority. It’s worth considering, though, as it can lock in low rates and act as an investment vehicle for your children. As your insurance agent, we care about...

Holiday Cooking Safety

The holidays are a time for family, friends, fun, and food. Unexpected fires are not a popular addition to anyone’s holiday to-do list. Unfortunately, cooking-related fires make up the majority of home fires, with an average of 455 occurring every day. Thanksgiving,...